
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

365QOD- Day914

"14 posts....that is a long series"-my thought

The last couple of weeks we focused on Andrea Huspeni's article on EDP's dimensions of successful entrepreneurs:
1 independent
2 preference for little structure
3 nonconformist
4 risk taker
5 action oriented
6 passionate
7 high achiever
8 focused on the future
9 idea generator
10 ability to execute
11 self confident
12 optimistic
13 persistent
14 low interpersonal sensitivity

At this point I believe that the best thing we can do is to be brutally honest and self assign a score from 1(low level)to 10(high level).  The maximum score you can get is 140.  If you get that score or 14 you are lying to yourself.

I suspect that to be a successful as an entrepreneur a score of 8 to 10 in each dimension would place you add very likely.  More impotently take a look at which dimensions you score lower than 8 and consider how you can improve that dimension.

If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur then you can always get better. 

Today's question is:
"How happy are you with your entrepreneur score?"

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