
Sunday, August 25, 2013

365QOD- Day932

Go to school and then get a job.

Q: What is a life changing realization that you wish you'd had sooner?
"The traditional road to education and success is a trap.  But it is actually a road.  So if you do not take it, you'd better have a damn good alternative routes planned." -unknown

I am way over educated for what I do.  But I am educated and can choose to not use most of my education and still get by just fine.  So I did choose that road.

What about the roads I did not choose?  For me I did not even entertain them.  Mainly because I was told when I was young that I well go to college.  I had no choice or did I come up with alternatives.

I do believe that the price of education is dropping very quickly.  Many graduates are having a hard time finding a job and paying their loans back.  The road to success most traveled has a big pot hole.Watch out!

The reality is that kids need to learn how to learn outside of a traditional program and the world week be theirs.  If they then choose to go to school they will be better prepared.  This was not uncommon in the 50s when many adults who had worked went back to school in the evening.  Many older engineers that I worked with had practical experience before filling out their theoretical knowledge when they went back to school. This is what made those old guys great.

Today's question is:
"Do you always consider alternatives when it comes to life choices or do your go with the obvious choice?"

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