
Friday, August 23, 2013

365QOD- Day930

This for That

"The meeting requests that note jump to the top of my list are the few, very smart entrepreneur who say, 'I'd like to have coffee to bounce an idea off of you and in exchange I'll tell you all about what we learned about cc'."- Steve Blank's advice for those seeking his or other busy folks' time

Often times we want something that somebody has. The most priceless thing we can ask from another is to give us some of their time.  This might even be the reason why we tend to do things when people are taking with us.

Steve offers a suggestion of trading something for that time.  In his suggestion he offers a learning that the person might be interested in. Brilliant!

I think that this would work if the person is interested in the new information.  If you know the person of whom you are asking for time then you should be able to guess what is of interest to them.  Another thing that this strategy accomplishes is to place you on par with the person.  You are equal if you are trading.

Today's question is:
"Do you trade information?"

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