
Thursday, August 15, 2013

365QOD- Day922

Say that again!

"..knowledge.."- Richard Perrin

I sat through an exam peep course this week that Richard instructed.  During the presentation he said something that caught my attention.  It was similar to something I say all of three time.

In the past I write how we are drowning in data.  Sometimes we take that data and convert it into information.  Lastly, rarely do we take that information and reach wisdom.  Pretty cool.

Well Richard said pretty much the same thing but after information inserted knowledge before reaching wisdom.  Immediately my mind started evaluating if this is a needed addition to the model.

So data is raw.  Information is processed data.  For example I get data and when I graph it I notice that the data is linear.  That is information.  Now taking that information I use math to determine a unique equation that fits that data.  The line is of the form y= mx +b where I get unique values for m and x.  Lastly, I get to wisdom by realizing that the two variables that are graphed are success and reading.  Since the line goes up it indicates that the more you read different sources the more successful you are.  So I decide that I should expand my reading selection.

In the end I see why Richard added knowledge as a step on the way to wisdom.

Today's question is:
"Do you see the stepping stones from data to information to knowledge to wisdom for your problem?"

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