
Saturday, August 24, 2013

365QOD- Day931

No Pain...No Lesson

"A lot of epiphanies come at the end of an unpleasant process.  That process is not only necessary to achieve the epiphany, but part of the epiphany itself.  As such, distilling that process down to an axiom isn't as valuable as going through the process itself, however grueling it might be."- unknown

This is the answer to the question, "What is a life changing realization that you wish you'd had sooner?" on the suite Ask Metafilter.  I believe the advice offers a lot of wisdom.
We want the learning process to be easy.  Well, as I have said before,  if it is easy then it is worth
nothing. If I tell you a fact for which I paid dearly it does not mean the same to you.  It can not. 

If you are lucky them you will remember it in the short term add good advice but in the long run you will forget it.  Why?  Because add the quote teaches you did not go through the process where you discovered it. The process is a part of the discovery, the epiphany.  Without the process, your temporary gain us only temporary.

This is kind of sad when you think about it.  It means that others can teach us but we must still go through the process to ingrain the fact.  The best we will be able to do is to speed up our learning but not eliminate it.

Maybe this is why kids repeat the mistakes of their parents even though the parent truss to prevent the pain?

Today's question us:
"Have you had an epiphany without going though the process?"

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