
Thursday, August 29, 2013

365QOD- Day936

Just a Fluke

"Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous"- Emily Bear

When I read this line I laughed.  Immediately I saw the truth hidden inside it.  Just as fast I connected it to another belief.

The wisdom in the words is that the false belief that it is just a fluke is not correct.  It is just simply God using coincidence to drive us towards a desired direction.

The belief that I have is something I read in a book called sacred contacts.  In it the author Laura out the idea that before we are born a choose what we will experience in this life.  God agra to or plan but also asks of us to be in certain places at certain time and to influence certain people.  Outside of those moments we are free to choose the life that we lead.

But maybe it is not that simple?  Maybe a are guided all along by coincidences towards those moments.  Some might say pushed towards them.

Today's question is:
"Did you feel God's anonymity on your back?"

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