Not my Job
"All kids are born geniuses, none are born financially astute. It is your job as a parent to teach them."- Ron Wheeler
Most parents if given a choice of having a child that is a genius vs. the child that grows up to be a successfull adult will choose the later. The skill set is very different and we stay adults for a longer period of time.
Ron's words give one of the dimensions of success as an adult: financially astute. But the problem is that most people will label themselves financially ignorant. Ignorant does not mean stupid. It simply means uneducated in those maters.
So how do you teach them if you are ignorant? Well the best way is together. Create a profit and loss statement for your family. What comes in and what goes out. Then start talking about saving and lastly investing. It might actually be fun to learn it together.
Today's question is:
"Do you keep your genius children ignorant about financial maters?"
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