
Sunday, November 2, 2014

365QOD- Day1364

The Art and Science of Success

"The science is in all of the books you read.  However, no one can teach you the art part.  You must apply it over and over.  This is the way to determine the nuances"- Matt Morris

There is an art and science to success.  I believe that we can learn quite a bit by reading books.  The quickest way to learn is to read first, attend a lecture, and then do some independent work applying the concept.  

What I love about this quote that it cautions us to realize that we might learn the science from books and lectures but that the art can only be mastered by applying.  I have seen this over and over in my life.

When I used to teach courses I would lecture and explain a concept to the student.  They managed to get their homework done but they did not really understand the concept inside out.  They failed to see the art.

So what happened next is kind of scary.  Before a test the student would feel comfortable that they understand the concept and when they looked at a problem they would simply say,"Yup, I know that. (Next problem) Yup I know that..."  During the test they would be challenged and I can almost hear them, "Nope I don't know that. Nope I do not know that.."

Today's question is:
"How do you train yourself to truly know the science and the art of your task?"


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