
Saturday, November 22, 2014

365QOD- Day1385


"Information can be downloaded and illegally shared.  Communities are the next wave.  Relationships can not be replicated, downloaded, copied, and have a real value"- Steve Fox on Eventual Millionaire

This statement was an eye opener.  Lately I have been working on creating information products.  So this statement made me stop in my tracks and rethink my strategy.

I believe that Steve is trying to teach us that we need to build a community first.  By giving away free products and growing your group then one can create a trust relationship.  This relationship can over time become a bridge to selling your products to the world and group.

The community does not eliminate people downloading, copying, and redistributing your products without paying BUT it gives you a fan base of support.

Today's question is:
"Do you have a community?"

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