
Thursday, November 6, 2014

365QOD- Day1368

Crazy Cool

"I need an android app that is the same as garage band."- my need

Several years ago I got addicted to creating songs with GarageBand.  GarageBand is a really cool program that is standard for apple products but it is not available for sale on Windows and android platform   Believe me I have searched for many years.

So today I did a search and came across Music Maker Jam.  It is the first app that I can say I love and it is close to GarageBand.  It allows me to create music without being able to play an instrument by using loops and placing them strategically to create a song.  

This capability has allowed me to create songs and enjoy them.  Nothing like making a song that sounds great and having others say that it is good.  It is creativity at its rawest.  There is something about music that makes it different than painting or writing.  People can quickly judge it whether it is good or not.

One thing that I do not like about the app is that it gives you four styles of music for free but then each additional style is over $3.  That is a rip off.  So I am not completely pleased but understand that they need to make money.  $3+ seems like such a high price per download.

Today's question is:
"What tools are you missing that you would love to have?"

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