
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

365QOD- Day1388

Asynchronous Dialogs

"Kids speak in packets of asynchronous dialogs"- Nick Webb on Eventual millionaire

I remember being in Paris December of 1999.  My girlfriend at that time lived there and communicated to her friends through texting mostly.  I thought that texting was silly and it would never catch up in the US.  I figured it was easier to call and briefly speak than to send messages back and forth.

15 years later I realize that I was wrong and now it seems that we have become a nation of texters.  Texting is more dominant than speaking to others.  I believe this even though I have never seen the data.

The reasons why this type of information exchange is dominant is that people can answer it immediately or when it is convenient for them.  It takes time and adjusts it to suit you instead of the caller.

This change creates opportunities.  What type of app could take advantage of this asynchronous communication?  I do not know but I will be thinking about it.

Today's question is:
"Do you prefer to text most people or do you just call?"

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