
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

365QOD- Day1389


"We are a nation of compliers"- my words

As an educator of 18+ years I believe that we rarely test the level of learning that a student reaches.  We test for compliance.  A student is suppose to "memorize" the material and the correct sequence of steps needed to get the desired result. 

A true test is to be given some information and then you are to use it to produce a new outcome that is original.  You are not solving someone else's problem but solving your own problem.  

There is a revolution that is taking place around us.  It is a 3D makers revolution.  People are going to be able to construct new "things' as they think of them.  There will be less of a need to "memorize and regurgitate"  Either you can produce or you will not be successful.

Today's question is:
"Are you a producer?"

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