
Thursday, November 20, 2014

365QOD- Day1383

Creating a Time Budget

"Time is more important than money"- my belief

I really believe that time is more valuable than money.  I can convert time into money by working.  Similarly I can never convert money into time by hiring someone else to do something that I need to do instead of me.

But, to me, a loss of money can be replaced by working harder and smarter.  The same analogy does not work for time.  No matter what i do I can not get time back.

With this in mind, I do believe that when we work on an idea we need to create a time budget.  If you have 2 hours per week then in a year(assuming two weeks off) you have 100 hours.  Ten hours a week translate into 500 hours in a year.    And 20 hours per week translates into 1000 hours per year.

The math is simple but there is a big difference to committing to a 1000 hour project vs. a 100 hour project.  The 1000 hour time budget would give you adequate time to "put a dent in the universe" and your idea.

Today's question is:
"Do you create time budgets?

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