
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

365QOD- Day1366

Becoming the Person You Want To Be
"It is not the money that creates significance.  It is the person you become in order to become a millionaire that matters."- Matt Morris

I believe that everyone should have the goal of becoming a multi-millionaire.  A million is not enough any more.  It is a wonderful goal.  Before you say, "It is not for me." I want you to realize that maybe you might be wrong.

By striving to become very wealthy you are forcing yourself to raise your level.  You can not just get by and become a multi-millionaire.  But you must be smart about it also.  

I believe that by becoming a multi-millionaire we would be able to help others a lot more than by cowering in the corner afraid of the challange.  It is not easy but I believe that it is a worth while goal.  You can not help others by being broke.

What I love about this quote is the idea of becoming a better person.  You can not become that without providing a service or a product that many people love and use.  You can not be of service to one and learch that level.
You have to strecth yourself to raise your level in order to get results at that level.

Yes, it takes an effort to become a person of significance.  The money is not the goal.

Today's question is:
"Is being a mufti- millionaire a goal of yours?"

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