
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

365QOD- Day1374

Mass Market Passion

"Don't do what you are passionate about, do what the massive market loves and then you will get to do what you love"- Unknown

I have written about passion before.  As a matter of fact one of the labels that I have used in my posts is passion.  This quote puts a heck of a spin on the idea.

Should we "sell out" and do what the market wants instead of what we want?  Well, I am torn about the idea BUT after some thought I concluded that the originator is correct. 

If you produce what you are passionate about and no one buys it then you are getting  result that is telling you to do something else.  Yes you can tweak it to get a better result but maybe you never get to the level you wish to get to no matter how much tweaking you attempt.

The quote says start with what the market needs, satisfy it, and then when you have fulled your pockets go after your passion.  This way you will  have the resources to pursue it without money being an issue.  In a sense this strategy takes money off the table by trading time for it.  Wait! that sounds like a job.  LOL

Today's question is:
"Would you be willing to satisfy the market before yourself?"

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