
Sunday, June 1, 2014

365QOD- Day1211

Pursuit of Interesting Things

"Ask yourself an interesting enough question and your attempt to find a tailor made solution to that question will push you to a place where pretty soon, you'll find yourself all by your lonesome- which I think is more interesting place to be." -     Chuck Close

Most days are routine days. We have our rhythm and we just go with the flow.  And if we were asked a week later we would be hard pressed to recall what we worked on without a computer calendar or paper schedule.

But what if during your day you got interrupted with a beautiful question?  You probably could not resist diving in and working on out.  It pulls you.  It beckons you to chase after it.

Unfortunately, this pull only lasts a short time.  We find another shiny thing to chase and move on.  So how do we keep on the pursuit?

I believe the answer is in a story I read many years ago about Edison.  He would write out a page of why he is pursuing am idea.  Fit example, if he was working on the light bulb he would explain how it will replace the gas lights.  By providing the light, petiole will ask for other machines to make their lives easier. A machine such as a washing machine would be an example.  His company could develop such a machine.  Once the home is full of these wonderful machines, he would supply the power needed to run them.

As you can tell, just by re reading such a memo he would see that his pursuit would benefit humanity and financially reward him.

Today's question is:

"How do you stay on the choose of pursuing an interesting idea?"

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