Making Happier People
"Why is it that people who have so little and have suffered
so much seem to be happier than other people who are more fortunate"- Roko
Roko made this wonderful observation. I have wondered about this same issue many
times. Why?
I believe that those who have little approach that in two
different fashions. Either they get
bothered by it or simply learn to appreciate and love what they actually possess. In my life I have been in some very poor homes which
were incredibly clean and organized.
Amazingly I have been in some wealthy homes which were very messy and
disorganized. It boils down to truly
appreciating and living what you got.
The second part of the quote is about people who have suffered
so much. Every day on the news we are
bombarded by bad news of how people suffered at the hand of other people. Some people are truly evil.
But what had happens when a person removes themselves or
frees themselves from the evil? The
chains of oppression are lifted and the wings of freedom allow them to quickly
climb to levels we seem to be held down from.
Again, the troubles could have pulled them down but they chose to lift them up.
Now imagine if someone had been held down with both having
so little and suffering so much. If that
person can get beyond the past they will have a bright future. After all most of our lives are not full of
suffering and lacking. Knowing that you have
hit that bottom you are only able to go higher with happiness on your face.
Today's question is:
"Are you happy that you are fortunate?"
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