
Friday, June 20, 2014

365QOD- Day1230

Doritos Fingers

“Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you are saying.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have always marveled at the disconnect that most of us face.  It is amazing and often times hypocritical.  I call it the big disconnect.

If for a moment you think about the different areas of our life (physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, financial, social, etc.) you could easily find one that just seems out of whack.  You can hear yourself saying the right things but not doing them.  That is where the disconnect comes into play.

Unfortunately, as Emerson observed, it is not the words but the actions that speak so loudly.  People will observe you before they will hear you.  You telling them X without them observing X is immediately perceived as a lie.

As an example, consider someone who says all the right things about eating well.  They talk about the number of fruits and vegetable servings that they consume.  You even see am apple calendar above their desk.  But then you walk by their desk and their fingers are orange.  Immediately you realize that the talk and the walk do not match.

All of us being human will experience the Doritos fingers phenomenon.  We will let ourselves down.  It is not that one choice that kills us.  It is repeatedly making the same bad choice.  After we fall, we must lick the orange off and give ourselves a better “if I want Doritos, I will do Y” option.  And for most of the time that should get us through the moment of weakness.

Today’s question is:

“How do you keep yourself away from the Dorito fingers?”

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