Hoping vs. Controlling
“I hope this turns out well”- famous last
In the article
11 or 12 Things I Learned while Daytrading Millions of Dollars, James Altucher
gives us his second lesson to be:
Lesson#2 Hope is not a strategy.
Lesson1 taught
us that we are horrible at predicting the future. As I advised, we need to enjoy the adventure
because we are not going to be able to predict the future precisely. So sit back and enjoy?
Well, what else
can we do? We can hope that the future
unfolds the way we want it. And at some
level we all hope this will be the case for most or all of our lives. But as the lesson warns,
hope is not a strategy.
A strategy has
the form:
If X happens,
then I will do Y.
It starts with
identifying a few Xs that can happen and thinking through how you will
respond. This process should not be one
in which you dwell on the bad X that could happen but just realize that if it
does happen you have options, Ys, and that you can recover.
As I often say,
what is your plan B,C,D,etc.
An application
of this lesson towards trading is that we must follow a detailed plan. If we say that if an investment drops by 10%
that we will say, the moment that condition is fulfilled then we must
sell. We can not sit there “hoping” it will
rebound. The rebound could continue working against us and pretty soon we are
desperate not to lose too much.
Today’s question
“Do you identify your strategies for
recovering from a bad outcome?”
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