
Thursday, June 19, 2014

365QOD- Day1229

Two Types of Presents

“Wherever you are, be all there”- great advice

The word present is a powerful word.  Interestingly enough the word has a dual meaning.  One meaning is that it is a gift.  The present that someone has given us or we give.  We should receive it with joy and give it with love.

The second meaning is one of time.  To be present in the moment is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others.  When we are working we should be working.  When we are relaxing we should be relaxing.  Multi-tasking is a myth.  Stick to one thing and really savor it.

Being present also affects others.  Have you ever walked into someone’s office and they were busy in the middle of a task?  They are trying to rush to finish before giving you attention.  Unfortunately they do not do either one well.  So the task gets delayed and their attention is going back and forth between you and the task they set aside.

A while back I tested a mindfulness app and found it very helpful.  I believe that random reminders to check in and determine if we are present are a powerful tool to get us to be more present.  The reminders allow us to measure it by asking ourselves if we are truly present at that moment.

Today’s question is:

“Are you present?”

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