
Friday, June 13, 2014

365QOD- Day1223

Keep Doing This, Stop Doing That

The other day I did the simplest thing. It took 15 minutes. And the amount of value it produced was totally ridiculous.”- Erica Ariel Fox Influencer column
Lately I have become fascinated with 15 minute increments.  Why would that fascinate me?  Well 15 minutes is 1% of our day:
15min=(1/4 of one hour)*(1day/24 hours)==1/96 th of a day=.01042~1.04% of the day
So 15 minutes is about as close as you can get to 1% of a day.
The fascination is how we do not realize this.  And even more importantly what to do to improve my life by maximizing each 15 minute increment.  This ties in with Erica’s blog post.
Erica decided that she would approach two co-workers and ask them to participate in a little brainstorming session in which they would each write down one thing she should keep doing and another one she should stop.  Providing a specific example should be a part of this exercise.
This idea is wonderful and could be very effective.  I suggest you get a set of index cards.  On one side write Keep Doing This, and a few spaces lower, and Please Provide an example of this. On the back of the card write Stop Doing This, and a few spaces lower, and Please Provide an example of this.  Give it to a couple of people with the instruction:
I am trying to become a better X (person, co-worker, team lead, etc.). 
Please help me by filling out this card.  Do not spend more than 15 minutes on it.
I will promise to make an attempt to improve based on your feedback.
I believe this card could be used at work, home, and any relationship you wish to improve.  But be ready to truly hear the feedback and make an effort to improve based on it.

Today’s question is:

“Do you have the guts to ask for this level of feedback?”

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