Can Both be Correct?
"No I am right."- the ego talking
The other day I watched two people get so mad at each other. The first had meet with a customer. He was told what the customer required directly and saw an example of what the customer wanted.
When he went to coworker the coworker told him that what he had delivered was wrong. The co-worker said that the product was not in a proper format and that it should be done differently. This made the first guy to go to a third guy to confirm. The third coworker agreed with the second guy. First guy left in a huff. An hour later he corrected it the way the two co-workers had suggested.
What he had he had done was not wrong just did not fit the standard way of doing the design. It satisfied the customer demand but it showed a lack of knowledge. In his defense, he realized that he needed to follow the standard. The customer got their data but in a different format.
Interestingly, by combining the way he did it and they way he wad told to do it both would have been satisfied. The solution chosen was one of OR and not AND. The AND solution was a better choice.
Today's question is:
"How do you know when you should follow a standard solution?"
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