
Saturday, June 7, 2014

365QOD- Day1217

Do This to Satisfy a World Need

"What does the world hunger for?"- Keith Yamashita

I absolutely LOVE this question.  Wow! 


As entrepreneurs we tend to always look at the world as having a need and we are ready to provide a new product.  To us it is so obvious that if we build it they will buy it.  Unfortunately, we often miss the target.

Why do we miss?

I believe that we look at areas where we have a problem and decide that everyone must have the same need.  But often the need is just our or at best of a few folks.  The gap between a few folks and the world is huge.

The quote instructs us to think deeply as to what the world truly hungers for.  What is a need that has not been filled?  A product out a service that no one is providing that will be a stretch but you are uniquely qualified to satisfy it.

This question does not look for a quick answer.  It requires deep thought and a vision of what it can be.  In my opinion it also has to have the potential for failure.  Why?  If it does not, then it is not a good use of your time and talent.  The world needs BIG.  The world does not benefit by you playing small.

Today's question is:

"What do you believe the world is hungry for?"

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