Don't Plant Flags on Mountains
"Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to
embrace the challenge, enjoy the air, and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the
world can see you."- David McCullough
This quote offers a lot of wisdom. Let us break it apart.
The mountain serves as an example of a goal. By planting a flag we are saying that we were
there. That we have accomplished the
goal. The advice of not planting the
flag teaches us not to let it be known that we have reached our goal.
Second past says to embrace the challenge. To me this says that it is important to set the goal. We need something to aim for. Something to move towards.
Enjoy the air and behold the view teach us that there is
something spacial about the goal that wet should appreciate. Maybe even reflect on the goal? Look at the goal with respect to other goals you have our have climbed already. You must enjoy the result of the goal.
Climb it so you can see the world not so that the world can
see you says to me that we need to be humble about achieving the goal. We do not need to gloat. Keep it personal.
Today's question is:
"Do you set goals just for you to enjoy the view?"
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