
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

365QOD- Day1213

Shooting the Balloons of Others

"I promise not to shoot down your ideas if you do not shoot mine."- words from a fellow manager

In the corporate world people do not like to kill their own ideas or the ideas of others.  It is to political.  Most people play to nice.  Killing ideas is often looked upon as killing a baby.

A couple of years ago I sat in a leadership meeting in which a manager was proposing that we use 30 year old technology.  I had used new technology in recent past and offered it as a suggestion.  It would save the company a ton of money.  He did not disagree but pushed for his idea. 

A few days later he came to my office and told me the quoted line.  I was shocked.  He explained to me that he was short on people and this was his scheme to get them.  The company did not want to increase headcount and this was his way of getting around the rule.

Killing his idea was like killing his baby.  He did not want to get into a position where his ideas were challenged.  So he offered the suggestion as a way of heading off disagreements.  I did not agree to his request.

Today's question is:
"Do you kill your own ideas?"

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