" Good for what horizon?"- my thought
Often times we just want to make a decision. We just want to get over it. In my opinion this is short term thinking
There exists a decision making technique called 10/10/10. I believe it was originated by Suzy Welch.
In this technique you consider the effect of the decision
1. 10 minutes from now
2. 10 months from now
3. 10 years from now
Suppose you need to have an uncomfortable conversation with your boss. 10 minutes after the conversation you will still feel uncomfortable but you will be glad that it is over. 10 months from now you will most likely not worry about the effects of that decision. 10 years from now you will most likely now for for your boss and could care even less about this decision and conversation. It seems
that decision making gets easier when you consider the different timeframes.
Today's question is:
"Do you consider the 10/10/10 effects of your decisions "