
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

365QOD- Day844

"To 'know thyself' is hard work. Harder still is to believe that you, with all of your flaws, are enough- without checking in, tweeting an update, our sharing a photo a proof of your existence for the approval of your 791 followers. A healthy relationship with your devices is all about taking ownership of you're time and making an investment in your life. I'm not calling for any radical, Neo-Luddite movement here. Carving out time for yourself is as easy as doing one thing. Walk your dog. Stroll your baby. Go on a date- without your handheld holding your hand."  - James Victore

I love the line know thyself.  I have laid out a detailed outline of an autobiography.  It is intended for my kids to read and one day understand why I have made most of the choices in my life.

The second reason for writing a book like that is to spend some tome and truthfully examine myself and the choices I have made.  Maybe by knowing myself, I could make better choices in the future.

Today's question is:
"Do you know thyself?"

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