
Saturday, May 25, 2013

365QOD- Day841

"My advice is to abandon the passion mindset which asks 'What does this job offer me? Am I happy with this job? Is it giving me everything I want?' Shift from that mindset to Steve Martin's mindset, which is ' What am I offering the world? How valuable am I? Am I really not that valuable? If I'm not that valuable, then I shouldn't expect things in my working life. How can I get better?" - Cal Newport

I have written about passion many of times in this blog.  I am a firm believer that without passion we can get good results but never great ones.

This quote made me realize that the passion mindset is very self oriented.  Maybe Steve is correct?

In the end we would be more fulfilled if we satisfy the needs of others.  By serving others we increase our value to the world. The greater the number that we serve the greater our value.  I believe that they can be combined into a valuable passion mindset.

Today's question is:
" Do you have a valuable passion mindset?"

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