
Saturday, May 4, 2013

365QOD- Day820

" How would you live your life if you only had six months to live?" - a big question

It seems at times we lack clarity.  We feel we can always get to it tomorrow.  Whatever the it we are working or thinking about now.

While listening to an audio CD by Joe Polish with Brian Tracy, Brian asked this question.  He said that he felt most of us would be forced to focus if that was the reality for us.

For most of us that life or death situation does not seem real.  So we delay. And delay because we feel that tomorrow will always come.

The most extreme position is to imagine if this is your last day.  This is a zen idea. 

Today's question is:
" If today was your last day, how would you spend it? With who? Doing what? Eating what? Saying good bye to? Finishing? "

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