"We do know that fifty percent of the tome people are online they're procrastinating. But we don't know whether, in fact, they wouldn't just use something else "- Timothy Pychyl
The thought of people waisting 50 percent of their time online is unbelievable. I mean I believe it but it just seems such a waste.
In the last six months I have been trying to do things more analog. I tend to sit at a desk that does not have a computer so I can think. I also trend to go to a lot of meetings in which I just bring a notebook and my cell phone. If I need to check email I can quickly do it on my phone but most of the time I just take notes in my Moleskine grid notebook.
For me this prevents me from sitting in front of a computer and potentially waisting time. I do believe that I can do better at answering the mountain of email if I sat at the computer but maybe that is my next procrastination hurdle.
Today's question is:
" How do you spend your surfing time?"
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