"Fundamental Attribution Error- the tendency to ignore context and attribute an individual's success our failure solely to inherent qualities" - definition
When I read this line it made me think about fixed vs. flexible mindset. The fixed mindset believes that all results are due to being smart. The flexible mindset believes in working hard and figuring things out as you move through the challenge. To me, inherent qualities brings up fixed, born with ideas.
After reading the definition a second time, I noticed the 'ignore context' portion. A success in one field does not translate into success in another field. If that was true then Michael Jordan would be also the greatest baseball player and the greatest NBA executive. He was average in baseball and in being a boss.
Success in one arena could be due to your skill set, your willingness to fight for what you want, your focus, etc. The place where you fight is also critical. A great boxer in a rink might not do so good in a bar fight.
Today's question is:
" Do you consider the context along with your skill set?"
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