
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

365QOD- Day823

" There is a business concept called opportunity cost.  When you choose one course of action, you miss out on all the other opportunities you might have chosen to pursue but didn't.  People rarely stop to consider that until its too late."- Steve Tobak Inc. magazine

This morning I spent some time thinking about how wasteful my weekend was in total.  Yes I got a few things done but no major items got ticked of my list.

This quote teaches a wonderful lesson.  I did not consider the opportunity cost of doing the things I chose vs. the big items I could have accomplished.  Maybe the value of the NBA game should have been lower than finishing the editing of my new book?

The realization for me is to periodically stop and ask myself as to what is my opportunity cost for choosing to do what I am doing instead of getting an important task not get done.

Today's question is:
" How do you establish your opportunity cost of an activity?"

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