
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

365QOD- Day838

" Gloria Price, professor at UC Irvine, found that technology workers got interrupted on the average every 11 minutes then it took 25 minutes to get back on track." - source unknown

Recently I read an article that talked about two different types of schedules: a creative's and a manager's.  It immediately made me think about my schedule and that of the people around me.

I am on a manager schedule.  If there is an empty spot on it schedule a meeting and I will  be there. This type of schedule trends to work in one hour blocks.

The independent contributors, the creative workers, tend to work in blocks of time bigger than an hour.  So stopping in and asking a question throws them of their flow. As the quote above suggests, they lose their place and have a hard time getting back on track.  The non creative types need to give them freedom from interruption during those blocks.

Even though I follow the manager type of schedule I probably need to block out twenty percent of my time ( two for hour blocks for creative work).  This will allure me to create and respond to requests instead of rushing yo another meeting.

Today's question is:
" What type of schedule do you follow? "

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