
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

365QOD- Day879

"Most people only half-heartedly decide they want a lot of things. You have to get really clear on what you really want.  The question is how badly do you want it?- Steve Siebold

This quote offers wonderful advice. We tend to want lots of things.  But want is different than need.
I believe the decision has to be full-hearted.  With every fiber you must want it.  Enough to sacrifice something else for it. Then it is a need.

What?  If you believe that you can have it all without giving up something, then you are doing things half -hearted.  You only have so many minutes in a day to squeeze it all in.

Always figure that one for one you must give up an equal time user to get a new want.  Otherwise you are playing mind games with yourself.

Today's question is:
"How do you know that you have made a want truly full hearted? "

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