
Saturday, July 20, 2013

365QOD- Day896

"X is our company value"- usually empty words

I have worked for companies that make statements in this form about what they believe they truly value.  Amazingly they value X until it costs them too much and then they change it. Some companies truly follow their value but those are rare.

One of the companies that follows their values is Southwest.  Recently, while listening to an audio book I heard that every potential employee is given a personality test.  They have to score at a certain level to be given employment.

The personality test that Southwest administers measures the strength of these seven values:
1. Cheerfulness
2. Optimism
3. Decision making skills
4. Communication
5. Team spirit
6. Self starter
7. Self confidence

Most interviews that I have conducted try to establish whether the person is intrinsically or externally motivated.  They never go deep into what the person values.

Today's question is:
"What personality traits does your company reward?"

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