
Saturday, July 27, 2013

365QOD- Day903

"No risk, no gain."- my version

Fourth dimension of EDP is being a Risk Taker.

I love my version of no pain, no gain.  Risk is often associated with pain. Because the result is not predictable we often choose the darkest ending.

But often we are wrong.  The  dark ending never comes.  Some unpredictable result occurs that we could never imagine even we spent a long time guessing.

So why is being a risk taker important?  It moves us away from an equilibrium which is our current state of comfort.  That movement has to be big enough to get momentum to get to a better place.  But the risk has to be small enough that it nudges you forward and with it gives you confidence.

If the leap is too big it could lead to a failure.  So make a leap, control the result, learn from it, and then repeat.

An example of a failure to follow this procedure is when someone first learns to trade stocks.  The usually experience success- a beginners luck.  What happens next is very interesting.  They start taking huge risks that they can not afford.  These unreasonable leaps lead to failure.

Today's question is:
"Do you take small controllable risks?"

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