
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

365QOD- Day899

"I do not have a bucket list but I have a f$ck it list that is a mile long."- Don Amerson

Yesterday I heard another coworker utter these words and give Don credit.  Immediately I formulated a post in my mind.

About a month ago I found an old bucket list from ten years ago.  I did nothing with it except sit it on my desk.  My idea was to sit down and look it how many of my to do items were done.

Dons wisdom is the reverse side.  How many of the bucket list items are on the f$ck it side. In other words not important at all to me as a life goal.  Probably quite a few.

Maybe scheduling a five year review of the bucket list is a great idea.  Give years is a long enough timeframe for me to get some things done and some of the items on the list to need dropping.

Today's question is:
"Which one of your lists is longer?"

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