
Friday, September 6, 2013

365QOD- Day944

Back to the Classroom

"The move to the classroom setting has been critical for MOOC(massive online open courses ) for two reasons.  For one thing, there is very little money to be made giving a college education away for free.  By finding ways to generate revenue from universities, companies like Coursera, might be able to supplement the courses they give away for free. Second of all, universities that have implemented the flipped classroom are seeing impressive results"-Inc. magazine story The future of online education is on campus

The internet has completely changed the way we work and learn.  Can you imagine a workday during which you do not use the internet?  I would argue that probably most of internet use is for personal reasons and I'd work gets done then that is a side benefit.

Now education is also changing.  I write about how I thought that in the near future the students would listen to prerecorded lectures from authors/experts and work on quizzes at home.  This would enable homework to be done in the classroom.  In addition,  application of the material can be done with the teacher.

I also previously wrote how I was surprised to learn that enormous number of students that sign up for MOOC drop out.  Even though the courses are free the effort is great. They might be interested in the material but not very committed to finish.

So a blended education of free online content with a mix of flipped content might be the answer.  It looks like universities are willing to play along and pay for expert lectures while providing a setting for learning to take place.

Today's question is:
"Would a flipped classroom model with free online education work for you?"

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