
Monday, September 23, 2013

365QOD- Day961

Getting Out of a Funk

"Time spent without purpose is easily forgotten"- Robert Trajkovski

While on vacation the other day I stated moping around. Everything seemed to bother me and I had no peace.  I was on vacation and not feeling great and relaxing. I was in a funky mood.

I quickly realized what was missing.  I needed a creative endeavor to fill my mind.  So I sat down and created 52 small ebooks.  Yes, you read that correct, 52 small ebooks.

In the last two years I have written two books based on my blog posts.  At the end of the year I take the posts, organize them by topic, and heavily edit them into a book.  So this process is one of reorganizing by topic.

My friend Naren, during a walk, suggested that there are many products that can be extracted from my work.  I quickly realized that each topic could be an ebook of its own.  That is what I did.  I took the last two books, combined them, and extracted each topic into a new word file.

The work took me two and a half hours. It was so pleasurable that I immediately felt great.  All I needed was a little creative time to get me out of my funk.

Today's question is:
"How do you get out of a funk?"

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