
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

365QOD- Day962

Bicycle Boat

"You can't combine those?"-a limiting belief

This morning I happen to be watching Croatian morning show.  They had one segment about a small town on the Adriatic coast and how people there lived. It was a picturesque little town on the coast.

Towards the end of the segment they showed a bicycle enthusiast who has invented a bicycle boat.  The top of the boat was flat and he had mounted a bicycle.  The back wheel was connected through a chain to a set of paddles that propelled the boat.  The front wheel was mounted into a slit and held in place so when he moved his handle bars left or right the boat followed that direction.

I was impressed that this gentlemen had figured out how to take his passion for bicycling and tanned it to boating.  He had combined two uncontainable things. His world crushed the limiting belief that bicycles and boats can not be combined.

Today's question is:
"What two things can't be combined in your world?"

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