
Saturday, September 21, 2013

365QOD- Day959

How many knives does a chef need?

"Last year I believed that these five exercises are all one needs, but this year I have added three more"-Dragan Stojmanovich

Last year Dragan shared his five exercises with me.  Full of energy he could not sit still without showering them to me.  He told me that those five exercises were all you will ever need to keep in great shape.

This year he told me that he added three more because he was saw them and quickly realized the benefits.  Now his set consists of eight exercises.

This encounter made me think about the minimum set of tools needed to accomplish a job.  Maybe it is five or eight or just one?  And what will make you realize that you need to add a tool?

I believe that we always have to examine what we do and think about how to do it better.  This awareness will lead us to realizng that we are missing a tool. Our if we are not using a tool to getting rid of it.

Today's question is:
" How do know when you have the right amount of tools for the job?"

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