
Friday, September 20, 2013

365QOD- Day958


" Expressed in plain English, this means that a single moment of insight is the result of thinking that happens before it--often, the authors state, due to reorganizing or restructuring the elements of a situation or problem. This echoes the favored Fast Company definition of creativity, that it's finding the connections between seemingly unrelated things."- Drake Barr in Fast Company article Creativity is Just Persistence, and Science Can Prove it

According to John Kounios of Drexel University and Mark Beeman of Northwestern University, "although the experience of insight is sudden and can seem disconnected from the immediately preceding thought, these studies show that insight is the culmination of a series of brain states and processes operating at different time scales."

The words series of brain states caught my interest.  This holds true for me.  I usually have to be thinking about something for a while before I get to the aha moment. So in a sense when I am thinking about a topic I am moving from one state to another until I get to the creative state.

Now notice the second portion of the quote, " at different time scales".  In other words, these states can be close or far apart in terms of time.  If we spend more time thinking about something then the states seem close to one another.  So the spark does not seem so big but if the states are somewhat apart then the jump seemed big enough to be defined as an aha moment.

These two pieces together tell us that by being persistent to work on something for a while we will get to the creative state.  The only unknown is time.

Today's question is:
"Do you know how to be persistent to move though different brain states quickly?"

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