
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

365QOD- Day963

Vacation Goals

"Vacation without a creative goal is a wasted vacation."-according to me

I have spent the last few weeks on vacation.  It was not as good as my vacation last year but it gave me some time to stop and pause.  This is something we have to do in order to appreciate the music notes of our lives.

But going on vacation does not mean just sitting there vegetating.  Ok, I confess that I did veg out a bit. But I was also productive creatively.

Last summer I taught myself how to write an Android app.  Later on in the year I developed an app and made it available for free at the Google Play store.

This years focus was to develop different products.  So mentioned in another recent post
I write 52 small ebooks.  I also read a little about marketing and LinkedIn.  I believe that marketing of self and products the trough LinkedIn will develop into a monster on the order of Amazon.

It was also a time to think about some life goals and strategies. Our lives tend to be too busy to have a lot of free time to think about those. So this time allowed me to sip a bit of coffee and to reflect.

Today's question is:
"Do you set vacation goals?"

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