
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

365QOD- Day948


"4. Never Stop Learning:  Go back to school or read books.  Get training and acquire skills."-IBD second of ten secrets to success

This bit of advice fits me perfectly at the moment.  A few months ago I concluded that I need to attend some formal training.  I have the ability to self teach myself anything but I realized that I need to put on my white belt on and become the student.

Since I made that decision I have attended a six sigma green belt for two Week.  I also attended  a week long PMP test prep course.  I enjoyed the hell out of them!

It is my belief that we have to constantly review our skill gaps and develop a plan to fill them.  We are lucky now that with the internet learning something new is just a few clicks and videos away.

In my opinion we should have at least one book we are working through every week.  Force yourself to complete it and then spend time thinking about it.  What is still not clear? What could use a but more work with?

Today's question is:
"How do you keep yourself learning?"

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