
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

365QOD- Day949


"5. Be Persistent And Work Hard: Success is a marathon, not sprint.  Never give up."-IBD fifth of ten secrets to success

Persistent is one of my twenty six power words.  It is a wonderful word and its power grows exponentially when coupled with hard work.  Why?

First of all, we can persist in the wrong things. So once we are working on a true dreams and goals, we have to expect to put in hard work.  Remember by definition our dreams have to be daring enough that we can fail. This makes them something we will have to work hard to achieve.

As Churchill wisely advised, "Never. Ever. Never ever give up!" To me that is the ultimate persistence. 

Once you make the decision that something is important enough for you to persist, then not to ever give up.
Expect the process to be a marathon.  When I run half marathons, my mindset is different than when I go out for a five kilometer jog.  I have to be willing to persist even when the body might decide to quit.  I only stop if my body hurts nit if it only complains.

Today's question is:
"How do you know you are being persistent enough?"

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