
Friday, October 4, 2013

365QOD- Day972

Start or Stop Talking

"When you approach two peorple talking, you will be acknowledged in one of two ways.  If the feet of their torsos stay in place and they twist only their upper torsos in your direction, they don't really want you to join the conversation.  But if their feet move to include you then you know that you are truly invited to participate."-Carol Kinsley Goman

 I saw this line on the Behance web page and immediately recognized the feelings.  There have been times when I felt uncomfortable stepping into a situation between two petiole.  And there have been times when I got smiles and was warmly welcomed.

I believe that the secret is your smile. If you approach the situation with a great attitude then you are most likely will be welcomed.  If internally you are judging yourself not  worthy of being there then your vibe will keep you out.

The author adds that this is also true for when conversations are over.  A coworker who seems to be paying attention with their upper body angled toward you but their legs and feet are towards the door, is signaling that the conversation is over.

So start paying attention to peoples upper and use body positioning as a way of telling how people feel.

Today's question is:
"How do you know that you are welcomed or done with?"

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