Both Sides are Idiots
"I hate both political parties equally."-my words
I am saddened that the two parties are full of politicians that are holding our country hostage. This is not what our founding fathers intended. Consider a few issues.
The country needs a basic health plan. I do not think it should take 2000 pages that no one has read to formulate it. There is no western country without basic health care plan. Why are we different? Because medical lobbyists write the laws and politicians get paid by them.
Our medical system is broken. When someone without insurance goes to an emergency room for basic care then all of our costs go up. Do young people need the same coverage as elderly or middle age folks? No. So a plan needs to be formulated for 20-30 year old and older people that is different and cheep.
The other issue is spending. It is amazing to me that when either party is in power that they do not decide to control spending. Fir example, the Republicans like their wars and police actions around the world. We have gone from the most admitted nation to the most hated in the last 30 years.
The Democrats like their social programs. This is their way of employing more people that will vote for them next election. By spending on programs that do not work, they prevent the creation of programs that will work.
Neither party cares about the little working guy.They give lip service. What they care about it getting reelected. If they do not follow their own party line they will get kicked out by their own. They serve the party not us. Thus is why an Obama white house member said that "they are winning" on this government shutdown. They care about getting reacted more than fixing the problems. Sad.
Our forefathers wanted statesmen who would argue the issues and do what is best for the country. They were intending for people to go to Washington for a few years and dedicate themselves for the best of the country.
This is not what we got now. We have a group of people that only care to last long enough to get their pension and lifelong medical. This is because they see it as a job instead of service to the country. We deserve better.
Today's question is:
"Would you be willing to vote out every currently elected official?"
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