
Monday, October 7, 2013

365QOD- Day975

The Man with Two Watches

"So why do you wear two watches all of the time?"-my question to a friend

Many years ago I worked with a friend of mine whose name is Ivy.  He is a very interesting person with whom I have had many conversations over the years.

The quote above was the start of one such conversation.  I was curious as to why he always wore two watches, one on each hand, at all times.  So I asked the question.

Ivy told me that he has a young wife and that he also has two watches.  Everyday he makes a choice to wear both watches in order for them to be worn.  He said that every night he also makes love with his wife as if it was his last time.

I could not resist asking why?  His answer was that he did not want to die and for some guy to come in and find brand new watches and a wife that had not been loved.  So he lived his every day trying to use to the fullest what made up his world in order for their value to be zero to anyone else.

Today's question is:
"Do you appreciate and use everything in your world?"

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