
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

365QOD- Day977

Scared of What

"Give no mercy to your FEARS ."- anonymous

Long time ago I read somewhere that we can look at most of our decisions and note why we made them.  How?  Imagine a circle with a line inside it supplying it in half vertically. Write the word faith in the left semicircle.  Inside the right semicircle write the word fear.

Faith is a belief that you can on your own or that you will through some external help from another person or God prevail.  There is no doubt about the end result.  So you move towards it.

The fear side is more complicated.  It is the belief that you can not on your own nor with the help of another person or God prevail.  But more than a belief, you are held into place or pushed back by an invincible force that you will not even try it.  That is the force of fear.

As the quote advises, give no mercy to your fears.  Once they have an inch they will demand a yard.  Push back and say that despite your fear you will push forward.  As Churchill wisely advised, "Never. Never. Never ever give up. Never." Push forward.

Today's question is:
"Is your belief on an issue based on faith or fear?"

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