
Saturday, October 12, 2013

365QOD- Day980

Social Risk

"To be social or not be social, that is the question now."- RT

Remember starting a new job.  You were the new kid on the block.  The one everyone is curious about.

In that one and many other social situations people want to get to know you better.  So how much of you do you reveal?  You want to be social but you also want to be guarded is my advice.  There should be a bit of mystery to you and your life.

I believe that the more people know about us the more social risk we expose ourselves.  With this, I am not saying not to share a portion of your life but sharing everything exposes to many weaknesses.

So what is the right amount?  I believe that 20% of your life is a good guideline.  It is the 80/20 rule.  This leaves a lot of mystery for people to wasn't to find out over time. 

The number will grow over time towards 80 but it should not ever get to100. I believe that this also holds true in relationships as well as marriage.  It keeps the relationship fresh.

Today's question is:
"How much of yourself do yo reveal?"

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